About Us


Derek Fishley

Derek Fishley is a student at the University of Lethbridge working towards his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. He works with anyone looking to better their quality of life through improvements in body composition, performance, and general health. Derek’s experience also includes working with competitive strength, physique, and endurance athletes.


  • Renaissance Periodization Nutrition Coach – Level 1
  • Science of Nutrition certified through Dr. Layne Norton
  • J3 University certified through John Jewett
  • International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) certified Personal Trainer
  • World Gym Athletics certified HIIT, Performance, and Foundations coach
  • BSc Kinesiology student at the University of Lethbridge



    Derek Fishley

    Gavin Johnson

    Gavin is a personal trainer and fitness coach. His background includes high school and collegiate athletics in various sports, such as basketball and cross country. Recently having graduated with a diploma in Exercise Science, Gavin strives to help you reach your fitness goals as efficiently as possible.


    • Diploma in Exercise Science
    • CSEP CPT
    • J3 University certified through John Jewett



      Derek Fishley

      Mike Kesthely

      Mike Kesthely has been involved in athletics his entire life, ranging from years playing box lacrosse, martial arts, rock climbing, mountain biking and CrossFit. He has worked as a Firefighter/Paramedic for the Lethbridge Fire Department since 2000, and is the past Health & Fitness Coordinator for the department. His passion now lies with nutrition & functional lab analysis, and improving client performance, health and longevity through dietary augmentation.



      • Founder and owner of Nova 3 Labs
      • J3 University certified through John Jewett
      • Precision Nutrition certified (Sport & Exercise Nutrition) through Dr. John Berardi
      • CrossFit Nutrition certified under Robb Wolf
      • CrossFit Trainer, Level-1 certified
      • Former trainer with CrossFit Lethbridge
      • American Council for Exercise certified PFT
      • Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner
      • Former lead instructor at OPEX in Arizona for the CCP Nutrition
      • Previous Health & Fitness Coordinator for the Lethbridge Fire Department
      • Functional Movement Screen under Tim Takahashi, M.Kin., CAT(C), CEP, CK, CSS

      Dr. Patrick Bartoshyk ND

      While reflecting on his career path, Dr. Bartoshyk states “I believe my career path and practice focus were shaped by a multitude of sporting and educational opportunities that exemplified the importance of a healthy body and healthy mind. While discovering the importance of translating modern science to guide preventive and therapeutic clinical practice decisions, it became unmistakably clear that all body systems, structures, and functions are interconnected in the healing and wellness continuum.”

      My areas of focus are: 

      • Pain elimination and tissue regeneration
      • Sport and athletic performance
      • Chronic digestive dysfunction
      • Men’s health (mood imbalance, hormone decline, urogenital change)

      My passion is helping you create a life with more health, confidence & happiness, and less stress, pain & insecurity.

      Dr. Aryn Bartoshyk ND

      Aryn Bartoshyk is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing at Rise Health in Victoria, BC. She has a general practice with a special interest in chronic pain and hormone imbalance.

      Being a part of the fitness community has inspired Aryn to find solutions to performance inhibitors such as injury, poor recovery, burn-out, and sleep disruption. She believes in the importance of a holistic approach to help you feel your strongest self naturally, and will partner with you to optimize performance through:

      • Nutritional assessment
      • Hormone/DUTCH analysis
      • Cupping
      • Spinal manipulation
      • Herbal medicine
      • Acupuncture/intra-muscular stimulation (IMS)
      • Regenerative/prolotherapy
      • Intravenous (IV) nutritional therapy

      Outside of clinic you will find Aryn at CrossFit competitions, hiking on a mountain, or recovering in yoga class.

        Drop Us a Line

        Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!